Bookshop Phonics
Bookshop Phonics is a printable curriculum that you can use to provide explicit, sequential, and comprehensive phonics instruction to students in Grades K, 1, and 2, as well as to students beyond Grade 2 who need targeted reading instruction. Its phonics lessons and teaching materials integrate the six essential strands for building early literacy skills: phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, letter recognition, phonics, word recognition, and fluency.
Now you can pair the foundational reading skills instruction of Bookshop Phonics with the adaptive, cognitive skill-based practice of Fast ForWord to help your students become better readers and learners!
Implementation and scope & sequence guides
Bookshop Phonics & Fast ForWord Implementation Guide
Fast ForWord Scope & Sequence Guide
Bookshop Phonics Scope & Sequence Grade K
Bookshop Phonics Scope & Sequence Grade 1
Bookshop Phonics Scope & Sequence Grade 2+
Bookshop Phonics instructional materials

Bookshop Phonics Grade K Program Overview

Assessment Battery Instructions
Phonemic Awareness Scoring Sheet
Letter Recognition Scoring Sheet
Letter Recognition Student Sheet
Letter-Sound Correspondence Scoring Sheet
Letter-Sound Correspondence Student Sheet
Optional Supplemental Assessment 1
Optional Supplemental Assessment 2
Optional Supplemental Assessment 3

Bookshop Phonics Grade 1 Program Overview

Assessment Battery Instructions
Letter Recognition Scoring Sheet
Letter Recognition Student Sheet
Letter-Sound Correspondence Scoring Sheet
Letter-Sound Correspondence Student Sheet
Phonemic Awareness Scoring Sheet
Optional Supplemental Assessment 1
Optional Supplemental Assessment 2
Optional Supplemental Assessment 3
Optional Supplemental Assessment 4

Bookshop Phonics Grade 2+ Program Overview